Sunday, October 11, 2009

Blog #5


After reading the article, "Green Schools Don't make the Grade", by Todd Myers, I had to shake my head in disbelief. Why is it that the minute we as a nation try to implement something positive as creating a greener school we are already testing it after only a year to see if it's working and if it's not we already hang the idea out to dry. I believe a greener school will benefit us all; however tweeking is needed. Large windows might not be the answer to saving costs in heating and cooling systems; however other things can be beneficial. For example, in my school we have an energy saving light system that is sensory activated. This means if your in a room the lights are on, moreover, if there is no movement in a room for a period of time the lights will go off. Also, if children use the bathroom, there is a light timer so the lights will turn off after awhile. We also have recycling bins in the classroom for paper. I believe this has helped us be energy efficient and is teaching the children that conserving energy is important. It might cost more to implement these new systems, but the benefit we will all reap in the future will prove itself!

I believe that the effects of becoming green in the long run will benefit us greatly and teach children how and why they need to be green. We must look at the benefits in the future and start measuring what is working and what still needs to be done.

Good always prevails and Green is a good thing.

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