Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Blog #3

In Pithissippi Burning, the author comments on Pith and his readers who believe in a white America, free of Multiculturalism. My reaction to this article was yes, there are people who feel this way, but whether they like it or not Multiculturalism is here stay and no one can ignore it. Perhaps, it has gone to the other extreme, where one cannot say the wrong word to describe a race or you will be sued. One needs to understand the past, to see why multicultural groups feel so passionate about being misrepresented or misnamed. In one sense,I cannot blame them. When you have been mistreated, disrespected and even murdered for your race, religion or color you will have a strong opinion about what is said about you. However, multiculturalism can go too far, when one is so nationalistic about their race that they discriminate others.

Last year, when I was teaching Kindergarten ELL, I noticed how a few of my children from Hispanic descent treated my children from African descent. A few didn't want to play with the child from African decent and would not treat them nicely. One child told me that their parents didn't like African Americans. I jumped in and taught a whole lesson on how we are all special and wonderfully made. I made it my priority to show those special few, how I felt about my African American children. I believe ignorance breeds ignorance and the truth about race can change those who will accept change. Some adults, never change and die with negative views about race, others become whole as they open themselves to change.

In " Why Multicultural is Wrong", the author discusses how multiculturalism is wrong and oppressive to immigrants. I don't agree. Multiculturalism is not perfect, and as I stated before. It can and has gone extreme at times, with nationalistic pride towards ones own country, where one separates themselves from others and discriminates other groups that don't believe, act or do as they do. However, I believe multiculturalism is positive, and helps people learn from one another, appreciate differences and unify us all. It is all based on ones perspective.

In "The Challenge of Multiculturalism", the author's discusses views that are contrary to that in, "Why is Multicultural wrong". The author discusses America leaving behind it's single mindedness and becoming a nation that is open to culture. I believe in teaching and celebrating cultural differences as well as discussing what really happened in history, and learning from the past so that what is negative in our history doesn't happen again.


Blog #2 What is Standard English?

Standard English as defined by Anita Barry is “the form of English that is recognized as the English of the educated, irrespective of region, gender, or ethnicity.” According to Norduquist, “ Standard English there is no single standard of English. Standard English is a dialect. “ I believe Standard English is a living and active dialect that is constantly changing, as we change in our societies. As we evolve, Standard English evolves.

What is Grammar? Descriptive? Prescriptive?

Grammar according to Kenneth Beave, “helps us understand what makes sentences and paragraphs clear, interesting and precise.” I believe grammar is necessary. We need a common standard of English that we can measure ourselves against in some way. When I first thought of Standard English I viewed it as correct way to speak English. However, in comparison to Norduquist, grammar is evolving so therefore, there is no single standard English or grammar. Language and the mechanics are constantly changing.

What is the Value of Studying Grammar?

Understanding and being able to converse both descriptively and prescriptively will aid adults and children in being able to speak in both formal and informal situations.

Which English is Best?

There isn’t a Best English. English changes ; Standard English helps children to know how to speak appropriately, yet it is important for them to know how to use informal and formal language.

Teaching Grammar in an ESL Classroom

Grammar can be taught in a Kindergarten classroom, but must be meaningfully connected. I believe that children need to understand how a language is formed

and how to speak the language appropriately. This will help the child to effectively speak the language.

Principled Eclecticism

According to Leonardo, Principled eclecticism refers to “the use of various teaching styles in a discriminating manner as required by learner needs and styles.” I believe that learners do learn as well as behave differently and require different teaching styles. I have learned many ways to teach the same lessons to reach different students.

Teaching grammar plays a central role in every ESL/ELL teacher's classroom. Without grammar children will never really master a language. How do I teach grammar is by incorporating grammar in my everyday lessons; such as teaching them to use describing words in their sentences or the reasons we capitalize the first letter of a sentence. I’m glad we have grammar ; however teaching grammar, teachers can use the principled Electicism, which is learning how teach in different ways. The more ways we know how to teach lessons to reach children the more effective we will be as teachers.

Barry, Anita (2002) English Grammar. New Jersey, Prentice Hall

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Defining Multicultural Education

Multicultural Education is the transformation of self, school and society that comes from an open mindedness, a willingness to learn from one another and the exchanging of ideas. I beileve that you can't experience or truly understand multicultural education unless you have multicultural parents and students to learn from. If there are several caucasian students in a class and only one is a Hispanic student, it would be difficult for the class to understand multiculturalism from one student. However, when there is a plethora of cultures presented in a school, it would be easier for students to understand and celebrate different cultures. However, Multicultural education would still not fully take place until the school and teacher begin helping children to become aware of similarties and differences. Also, allow people to influence one another's cultures.

It is difficult to define multicultural education, because it's not one entity, it's an all encompassing education. It's the exchanging, admiring and awareness of the people around us. Multicultural education could not be put in a bowl. It can be compared to an ocean; one is constantly discovering new things and appreciating differences seen.

One of the biggest challenges facing classroom teachers is the isolation teachers feel in their classrooms and the amount of work given for them to do, which limits their creativity and time to devote to promoting multiculturalism in the classroom, which is so important. Building a multicultural community in the classroom takes time, and work, but in the end you reap much more than you have sewn. Multicultural education saves us from the ignorance that plagues our society and our foreign relationships around the world.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hello! My name is Karen Vega-Luna. I have taught ESL Kindergarten in TN for 2 years and am teaching Regular Kindergarten this year. I look forward to learning so much from this course.

Until next time,
